SoCS and JusJoJan – Ow Music

Lots on my agenda today so I am choosing the easy way out. Linda gives us this prompt today:

Your prompt for #JusJoJan and Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “ow.” Find a word that contains “ow” or use it as a word in your post. Have fun!

I am going with music. The first song to pop up was this ear worm. Owwwww.

Next up in our OW featurette, is Olivia Newton John singing “Have You Ever Been Mellow”.

And who could forget Donovan’s ever popular “Mellow Yellow”? Poor guy, no one sings along with him.

Yes, we love music here in the foothills. And speaking of Yes, how about this OW song from Yes, “Owner of a Lonely Heart”.

I suppose I cowered away from writing about OW words today. I lowered my standards and took the easy road. I feel like I have a good excuse, though. With such a busy day ahead, I need to get showered and go on about my day.

But I leave you this. One of my favorite songs by one of my favorite groups, Tower of Power.

Thanks to Linda for her never-ending well of inspiration. If you haven’t tried some Stream of Consciousness Saturday blogging or participated in Just Jot It January, there is no time like the present.

Here’s the link for today:

The Friday Reminder for #SoCS & #JusJoJan 2020 Daily Prompt – Jan. 4th