
JusJoJan – First Winter Snow

Here it is the last day of January and we are finally getting our first snow of the winter. It will be fleeting, but for now, it is simply beautiful. It started as a wet quickly-melting snow and as the temperature dropped, the flakes got bigger and started to stick.

There is a magical quality of a slow-falling snow. I sit here drinking coffee with nowhere I need to be, just enjoying watching the birds forage for food in the new fallen snow. I cannot help but think how very fortunate I am to be here in this moment as an observer of the life around me.

This kind of snow seems to bring a halt to all the chaos outside my little world. This is such a welcome relief to those who, like me, feel things so deeply. Life moves at different paces, it seems, all based on the pace we choose to lead our own lives.

We had a lovely dinner with friends last night. Around the table everyone remarked about how they would love to see some snow. Ask and ye shall receive…

I am feeling at peace, wrapped in memories of my Dad and my sisters and their love of the simple things like this. My husband loves the snow, too. He and my Dad share the same childlike qualities of these types of magical moments.

I am a very fortunate woman.

This post is the last Just Jot It January post of 2020. Many thanks to Linda Hill for a month of writing inspiration. And to Robbie Ann who provided the inspiration word today, I thank you.