SoCS & JusJoJan – A Rainy Day

Today’s post is a combination SoCS and a JusJoJan (rules here) post, both hosted by the lovely and talented Linda Hill. Check out Linda’s place to get the scoop on SoCS and check out all the great responses.

Today’s prompt is as follows:

Your prompt for #JusJoJan and Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “a rainy day.” Write about the first thing that comes to mind when you think of the phrase “a rainy day.” Enjoy!

🎶 Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain…🎶

Remember that song by the Cascades? I love the rain.

I live in the foothills of the Blue Ridge mountains but I grew up in a small valley nestled between three mountains. I loved (and still love) a gentle mountain rain. The kind you get caught in that slowly soaks you from head to toe. The kind of rain that comes on a warm summer day or urges the leaves off the trees in the fall. It is the nostalgic rain that lulls you into a place of good memories and fond thoughts.

I remember so well sitting on the porch at my grandmother’s and watching the rain fall. My sisters and I would lean over the porch wall and ‘wash’ our hair in the rain.

I remember a first kiss on a summer day when soft drops of rain fell from a seemingly cloudless sky. Maybe the first kiss of young love should always be reserved for a warm summer rain.

I remember swimming in the creek and seeing the rain start to move across the mountain. We ran hard to outrun the rain even though we were already as wet as could be.

I remember going home as an adult and deciding to take a walk. “It looks like rain” my dad called out to me. Soon the sky opened up and I took shelter on the porch of an abandoned house. It wasn’t long until I saw my father’s car. He came to save me. It wasn’t the first time he had rescued me. I miss him.

15 thoughts on “SoCS & JusJoJan – A Rainy Day”

  1. Wonderful pictures you painted here. I remember ‘fishing in the rain’. It seemed to improve our chances…according to my dad. Yes, I miss him, too.

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    1. We fished many a day standing in the rain. I have such good memories of my daughter sitting in a lawn chair, hunched over in the rain while my brother taught her to set the hook. Thanks for stopping by, Steve. Our dads were sure important in our lives.

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