
JusJoJan – Does Chaos Invite Chaos?

Image by Peter H from Pixabay

I have discovered over the last few days I do not function well in chaos. I am not a neat freak or anything near that, but I do like for things to be orderly. At present they are not.

When I came downstairs for coffee this morning, the first words out of my mouth were about the chaotic mess that is our entire first floor. We are doing some minor remodeling in the bathroom. In an older home, though, nothing is ever minor. So my living area is covered with materials, towels, a partially constructed vanity, and just ‘stuff’ everywhere.

The morning spiraled after that comment. Did my reaction to the chaos invite even more chaos into my world? As soon as I had my first cup of coffee in hand, one of my lingering website clients sent me a text saying her website had been hacked and asking me if she should pay the host to fix everything.

I have regretted carrying these old clients along because the bottom line is, I do not wish to work anymore. Not like that.

So, an investigation ensued and money was spent (I had to renew a membership to the company I purchased the WP theme from in order to get tech support) only to find out the latest release of their software caused the problem. That will teach me to try to keep the software current! I followed the steps to delete the old software, apply the fix and then re-publish the website.

Long story short, the website was not hacked. It is fixed and back up and running and I am still in my pajamas finally enjoying a cup of coffee while I let my nerves calm down.

Did I invite this chaos into my life by reacting to the chaos that already exists? This is how I know I could never be a hoarder. I feel boxed in by ‘stuff’. Now all I want to do is go clear out even more junk in my house.

I am hoping that order will come out of chaos – eventually!

This post is part of Linda Hill’s Just Jot It January. The inspiration word today was provided by the lovely Ritu over at But I Smile Anyway. Check out both blogs for even more inspiration!

21 thoughts on “JusJoJan – Does Chaos Invite Chaos?”

  1. I believe there is truth to this! When we shout to the universe what we don’t like. The universe responds with “ more of that, then!” I struggle with this too. I think the craft lies in coming downstairs and saying “While there is chaos here, I am so grateful I have a hubby who is capable of installing a vanity.” Boom. Chaos diverted. ❤

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I get very anxious during any disruption in the house. I just cannot wait for everything to return to normal, and it makes me notice other things that wouldn’t normally irritate. I didn’t used to feel like that 30 years ago, so I put it down to a sign of growing older.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I do like a bit of order and predictability, Pete. I generally look at the world as a glass half full but yesterday was not one of those days.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh man, I think you’re on to something here!
    This is exactly why I try to keep my positive hat on at all times. I look for the silver lining in all situations, hoping not to bring any more cloud!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You know the rules of entropy, Maggie. Avoiding chaos requires energy, and ultimately, you lose. Enjoy the coffee. You saved the day for one client, you deserve a reward.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m so with you. Likewise, I could never be a hoarder. For years I stayed home and my position was “making order out of chaos” — I’m still this way even though I work away at an office. I have a hard time functioning/focusing/relaxing when things aren’t situated, tidy. I feel smothered in a mess. It’s like I need an established perimeter of clear space or air?
    It sounds like your flow was interrupted.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It definitely was, Joey. My last ‘official’ job before I started my own business was teaching art. The woman I shared space with is a dear friend — but also a hoarder. It was a traumatic experience for me!

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