
My Grandparents’ House – An Invitation

Swidt Home Place
My Maternal Grandparents’ House

I stumbled upon this photo taken in 1957 of my maternal grandparents’ house. The house was set back off the road with a long driveway leading up to the house. The flowers lining the drive were all planted by my grandmother who had an amazing green thumb. She made it look effortless. There were always straight-backed chairs on the side of the house beside the chimney where people gathered to talk or to string beans or shuck corn. There was an old cast iron hand pump for the well right outside the side door. The front porch was never used except by the grandkids as a place to play.

It is inspiring me to write a story – maybe memoir like or maybe fiction. I thought it might inspire you, too. If you find inspiration, feel free to use the photo, but please link back to this post if you do.


One Liner Wednesday – Snackcidents

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

If we weren’t meant to have midnight snacks, why is there a light in the refrigerator?

(Asking for a friend.)

One Liner Wednesday is brought to us each week by Linda Hill. Check out Linda’s blog to see what others have to say with just one line.