
WDIIA – Monday, April 6, 2020


Pull up a chair and join me for another episode of what I am doing to maintain my sanity otherwise known as ’What Day is it Anyway’, brainchild of fellow blogger Linda Hill.

The weekend was pretty good. The sunshine really helps. I am able to spend some of my day outside soaking up the rays and the vitamin D. Gardening efforts are going well. My peas are getting close to the transplant stage and that’s exciting. My sunflowers are growing and just walking outside listening to the birds is therapeutic!

Over the weekend, I saw a few posts about National Poetry Month. I am not a poet, but I loved the book spine poetry and thought I would give it a go. It was amazing how the book titles really told the story of our current situation. Here’s what I posted on Instagram:


Okay bibliophiles, this is your moment. In honor of National Poetry Month, stack your books and tell a current day story with your book spines.  Write a poem if you like, or let your titles tell the story.

“What  are the rules for aging, when all hell breaks loose?
After the worst hard time of our life,
can we bounce back and celebrate a new earth?
Girl, wash your face and get ready to start anew.
Let this be the first step to a new and happy life.”

It was very therapeutic, so why not give it a try?

Today, I started a new writing class led by Patti Digh, a local author – Writers in the Pandemic. It is an affordable two week online class to write about the issues we are all experiencing. Today is the first day, so there is still time to join if you feel it would be helpful to you. (I am not sure if the free offer is still valid, as this is the second iteration of this course she offered. It is reasonably priced either way.)

Writers in the Pandemic

When we had all our floors redone two years ago, we packed up my keyboard and stored it. Hubby brought it out yesterday and it is another uplifting way to spend some time during the day. I am not a pianist. I put the headphones on and experiment just for me. It is a nice stress reliever.

I hope you are all doing well. I appreciate you all so much.


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