
Rolling Stone’s Top 500 Albums – What’s Going On

I am not a fan of reading the news these days, especially in the morning. But, this morning I was excited to read the CNN article documenting the change in Rolling Stone’s “500 Greatest Albums of All Time” with Mavin Gaye’s “What’s Going On” taking the number one spot, unseating “Dr. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band”.

I am a big Beatles fan, too, but I am glad to see the music list updated.

With 154 new albums to the top 500 and 86 from this century, Wikipedia editors are going to have a lot of editing on their hands.

I have not read through the entire list on Rolling Stone, but I will. Right now I am enjoying listening to Marvin Gaye while I savor my last cup of coffee.



One Liner Wednesday – Autumn

Fall photo with a quote
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Our weather has been seasonal with less humidity and much cooler seasonal temperatures. The mosquitos are still in full force, but the gnats seemed to have died down some.

Yesterday, our local weather people published their predictions for the height of fall color. We will be taking our annual trek up on the Blue Ridge Parkway soon to take in the fall color changes. It is one of our favorite drives of the year.

Fall color predictions

I am wishing for a long and languishing fall and a short but brisk winter.

One Liner Wednesday is brought to us each week by Linda Hill. Check out Linda’s blog to see what others have to say with just one line.