
Monday Missive – Not Quite Fall

Stuffed peppers
“And then the sun took a step back, the leaves lulled themselves to sleep and Autumn was awaked.”
Raquel Franco

The sun is shifting and mid mornings have golden beams of light flooding the living room. Fall has not fully taken hold because the sun moves more quickly now rather than at the timid pace of fall and early winter.

  • I am finally working in my studio some. I am experimenting and getting comfortable with tools right now. A photo essay to follow later in the week.
  • The Covid-19 news this morning was bleak. Cases on the rise everywhere it seems. The CDC said the airborne transmission covers a larger distance than 6’ and stays airborne longer than first thought. Unfortunately, the CDC is no longer trustworthy since we know politicians were deciding what information would be posted there.
  • This past weekend we bought more fall vegetable starts. More spinach, kale, lettuce, shallots and garlic. Hopefully we will get them planted today.
  • The weather has turned cool. Our low last night was 47°F and has now warmed ip to 58°F. With the humidity also low, I can almost breathe again.
  • We have seen a number of migrating birds making a stop at our feeders on their long voyage south. The news is not good for migrating birds in the west. Between sudden cold weather and fires in the west. Hundreds of thousands of birds have perished. You can read the article posted on
  • Hubby found an old Scuppernong grapevine on our property – in much need of care. He picked a hand-full of grapes and brought them in the house. The aroma takes me back to my childhood – the smell such a distinct one. It will be the source of another story about my childhood coming soon.
  • Last week we had 8 inches of rain, 6 inches of which fell in one day when Hurricane Sally came through south of us. This week looks to be seasonally sunny and mostly dry. It is the kind of weather I thrive in.
  • The death of Justice Ginsburg is having political impacts here in the U.S. donations from democrats have reached record levels. Sadly, she will most likely not receive the respect she deserves from this administration.
  • The stock market also took a major hit with the news about the spread of the virus and the anticipated struggle about filling Justice Ginsburg’s seat on the Supreme Court.
  • Good news, good news, good news…think. My family is well and healthy thus far. My joy comes in the little things. Video chats with my grandchildren, and text and phone conversations with family help keep us going. It is a lonely existence otherwise.
  • We started watching “Top of the Lake” on Netflix. I also saw that “Call the Midwife”, season 9 is available now, too. I have not had the mental focus to read much of late.
  • I did make stuffed peppers out of our garden harvest which turned out well. Now I look forward to making a hearty soup this week. It is that time of the year.
  • And last but not least. I am looking for recommendations of bloggers to follow in Ireland. If you have any, post the link in the comments.

Have a good week. Stay in, mask up and stay healthy.



To The Barracades


I am re-blogging Frank’s post for others who do not follow him to read.

Frank, I have the greatest respect for you and the decisions you and your wife made all those years ago. I would hold the same respect if your decision had been different. Bless you and your family.

As you indicated, women’s rights extend so much further than Roe vs Wade. Equal pay, ability to have a credit card or get a loan without a spouse’s permission, the right to birth control, sexual harassment, the right to vote, the right to serve in combat, the right to serve on a jury, the right to continue working while pregnant, housing discrimination, FMLA, violence against women act, and on and on and on. Other than the right to vote, all of these changes were in my lifetime.

I will be at the polls the day they open no matter what it takes. Thank you, Frank for such a well written and heartfelt post.


Well ladies, the time for you to do battle has come.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg is dead and Conservatives are salivating at the prospect that Donald Trump will be able to install a third member to the Supreme Court.  Such a move appears likely to accomplish their No. 1 goal: dismantling the abortion rights established in the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling

So it is time to put on your armor  ladies and take up the sword assuming of course you still would like to have a choice; it don’t affect me none.  I’m male.  If you don’t have a choice as to whether or not to have a child, its no skin off my nose.  My daughters are done with their child bearing years so any return to the good old days of flights to Sweden or coat hangars don’t affect me in the slightest.

Back in 2019 the Alabama Senate…

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