
Weekly Song Challenge Week 28 – My Second Attempt

This is my second week of this challenge. Again, the topics were inviting. This week I am going Old School.

The Rules

  • Copy rules and add to your own post, pinging back to this post.
  • Post music videos for your answers to the musical questions.
  • Tag two people to participate!

1. Post a video of a song that reminds you of a loved one.

El Paso, recorded by Marty Robbins. My mom loved this song.

2. Post a video of a song that mentions a food or drink.

Haunted House written by Bob Geddins, originally recorded by Johnny Fuller and performed here by Jumpin’ Gene Simmons:

3. Post a video of a song that talks about rain or sunshine.

The Rain, The Park and Other Things cowritten by Artie Kornfeld and Steve Duboff recorded by The Cowsills:


Consider yourself tagged if you wish to play along. That’s what I did.



Image by Tumisu from Pixabay (Altered)

Day 337

I come from a long line of storytellers. To me, a good oral storyteller is hard to come by these days. We do not seem to spend enough time together to regale one another with stories like I remember. But when we take the time, magic happens.

I have written here how much my grandchildren love the stories I make up. They are fly by the seat of my pants kinds of stories and by the next day, I have forgotten most of them. The key is, however, they remember.

When our first grandson was born, at bedtime we always retreated to bed and I told him a story. This went on for years. Now he is a senior in high school and he still remembers, but the stories have ended. I have decided to write a story for him when he graduates about the coming of age of the protagonist of these made up stories. I know he will like it.

I really enjoy fellow bloggers’ fiction and poetry they so generously share in their blogs. I recently read a serial written by Pete over at BentleyPete that was a bit of a ghost story. Click here to read Moving Day if you are not already following him.

Pete’s story helped me recall all the ghost stories we were told growing up. Sitting around the campfire listening to scary stories perhaps helped me fall in love with a good story. So many urban legends (our stories pre-date that term) about local people and the mysterious circumstances and unexplainable events that haunted them. I remember one about three coffins in the sky floating over the mountains, the aliens my dad saw, the body of a drowning victim never recovered, the mysterious heavy weight on the trunk of a local man’s car, etc. Then there were the Appalachian mountain legends — the Brown Mountain Lights, the Creekfield Woman among many, many others. All fodder for a good ghost story.

The ability to spin a good story and make you feel like you are there is a well honed craft. I am really enjoying Teagan’s latest serial where she uses suggestions of objects from her readers for inclusion in her serials. Her latest endeavor has us boarding the Delta Pearl for a riverboat adventure. If you are not reading along, you should check it out.

Linda G. Hill who so generously hosts writing challenges is a successful writer and editor. Where does she find the time?

Yesterday I read Frank’s blog where he posted part of a poem he penned. It was beautiful. He shared the entire poem and through further discussion I discovered he has a collection of his poetry published.

I started investigating which fellow bloggers have work published available to purchase. I have several selections in my shopping cart on Amazon to buy. I want to support those writers who so generously share their work for me to enjoy.

To those who write here — thank you. I look forward to discovering other things you have written and supporting your efforts. I also look forward to all I have yet to discover. Reading what you write is not only enjoyable, but it also makes me a better writer.