
Weekly Song Challenge Week 27 – First Time for Me

This week, I was inspired by the choices so I decided to play along. I am a first time player and long time follower.

The Rules

  • Copy rules and add to your own post, pinging back to this post.
  • Post music videos for your answers to the musical questions.
  • Tag two people to participate!

1. Post a video of a song that’s perfect when you’re feeling overwhelmed:

Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers, I Won’t Back Down.

2. Post a video of a song you’d find humorous if it came on while making whoopie.

The only thing that popped into my mind because the Numa Numa viral video always makes me laugh — even now. Dragostea Din Tei, by O-Zone made famous as The Numa Numa Dance viral video made famous by Vlogger Gary Brolsm.

3. Post a video of a protest song.

Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee. Written by the amazing Buffy Sainte-Marie. I love the cover by The Indigo Girls:

Consider yourself tagged if you wish to play along. That’s what I did.




Navigating Complex Waters

Day 330

Giving credit where credit is due, I saw this statement on Glennon Doyle’s Facebook page this morning. It was written on a sandwich chalkboard sitting on a sidewalk somewhere. It struck a chord in me because I often feel this way in our chaotic world.

Do We Choose How We Feel?

The media is a bombardment of bad news and terrible unrest. It can get under your skin especially if your personality leans toward being an empath. We can drive ourselves crazy. I cannot fathom how someone could even think about killing innocent people let alone carrying out such a threat.

I take a few minutes every day to scan the news. Then I put it away. I choose how to spend the remainder of my day. I could never be a politician. I could never make the choices or exhibit the behavior as some of our elected officials do every day. I do not know how to play this kind of chess where the pieces are real people.

How to Find Joy in the Worst of Days

When I think back about the most trying times of my life, I try to remember why they were so upsetting. There is a wisdom that comes with age — hopefully — that allows us to see our life through a different lens.

What I have surmised is those difficult times all seem to surround some sort of ending or loss. It’s human nature I suppose, to want things to stay the way they are. It is where we are the most comfortable. But stretching ourselves beyond the discomfort of change is where our growth begins.

When we realize how small we are in the big scheme of things, it enables us to think about ourselves differently. This is when I can see the beauty and magic that surrounds me so much clearer. I choose to see the beauty and strive for the harmony.

I cannot allow politics to weaponize my outlook. Taking up arms to eliminate what we fear only makes the fear more powerful.

Infusing Joy

I love this blogging community. The photos you share remind me of how beautiful this world really is. Your stories of every day life remind me how many good people are living a good life and trying to be the best person they can be. The support for one another reveals the true human heart. I read your work — some of the best fiction and poetry around. This is a cross section of our world — the example you will never see in the news media. This is where we need to put our energy.

This morning I had a quick video chat with my granddaughter. She starts a new school on Wednesday and she is nervous. Remember those days? I spoke with my children and sent a text to my daughter-in-law. I checked in on my step-daughter because today starts her the first day of the home-schooling year. Then I checked in with my dear friend who is facing some medical challenges. Everyone is balancing life.

Then I settled into writing my blog while watching the hummingbirds dart in and out of the flowers as a small chipmunk tried to scurry up the bird feeder pole. He was not too successful but that does not mean he is giving up.

I hope you are not giving up either. When you share your trials and your happiness, I am right there with you.

I hope you find a treasure trove of joy in your week. It is out there.