
30 Day Film Challenge/Day 10

Today the challenge is to find a film that is also a book I love. Several came to mind, but the one that stuck was “To Kill a Mockingbird”, the book written by Harper Lee about racial inequality in a small town in Alabama.

The book and the film are both worthy of reading and watching again. One might think that in the years that have passed since the story was set in the 1930s that we would have learned to be better citizens of a world where people are treated fairly and equally. Unfortunately, that has not been the case.

I decided to take on this challenge for July after reading about it from SandmanJazz. Check out his blog and his entry for the tenth day of the challenge. Maybe even join in!


Friday Reflections — WDIIA

This has been an odd week. I had a couple of days I did not feel well with a scratchy throat. In these times, it is hard not to imagine the worst when any little thing happens. But a few home remedy gargles and some much needed rest and I am recovered.

I spent some time thinking and talking with family and friends about my sister. Grief anniversaries can be tough. I tried to focus on my daughter’s birthday while keeping good memories of my sister running on a loop. I made a fun little iMovie for my daughter’s birthday trying to make it special for her since we could not be together. She put up a fund raiser for Kidney Cancer research in honor of her aunt (my sister) which was so touching and so like her to think outside herself.

As a result I haven’t spent much time blogging or reading blogs this week. I have managed to keep up with my 39 day film challenge, however. It is a fun post to consider and does not require an immense amount of thought.

Our numbers are continuing to go up. I am hopeful the mask mandate will show a reduced amount of cases, but it will require a two to three week cycle before we know.  Stores are having a difficult time getting customers to comply, even when they provide free masks. Neither the police nor the District Attorney will cite anyone, so there are no repercussions if people refuse to wear them. Other than that small thing like possibly infecting someone who could die as a result. 🙄

The garden is doing well. We continue to have loads of cucumbers and tomatoes. Last night we had fresh kale from the garden mixed in with some kale we purchased at the store. What a difference. Ours was purple kale and was so tender in comparison to the other. That will definitely go on my planting list for fall.

I continue to connect with people over the phone or through Zoom or FaceTime. It is becoming oddly normal now and seeing people is oddly unsettling.

Hubby went out Wednesday to glaze some bowls he made under the tutelage of our amazing potter friend. They were socially distanced and masked. Tonight he will go and help fire the wood kiln which consists of feeding wood into the fire to keep the kiln at a constant temperature. That is a lone activity. His shift will be 10:00 pm — 2:00 am.

The cabinets are still coming along. Hubby needed to buy a new router bit this week to round the edges of the desk surface. It won’t be long now.

My jigsaw puzzle was frustrating me. I thought I had missing edge pieces. I sat down for breakfast and looking at a different angle I saw there were sections that needed to be moved around Voila! All the edges are now complete.

Life is all about having the right perspective.