
30 Day Film Challenge / Day 30 – I Made It!

Here we are at Day 30. Sometime during the third week I thought I might not make the entire 30 days, but here we are! Many thanks to SandmanJazz for introducing this challenge and allowing others to play along. Thank you!

Today on the final day, the challenge is a film with a beautiful ending.

There are a number of films that could easily fit into this category but today I am choosing the 2000 film “Finding Forrester” starring Sean Connery and a relatively new actor at the time, Rob Brown, who played the role of Jamal Wallace rather convincingly. I enjoyed the character Terrell played by Busta Rhymes.

I love the ending of this movie. It has heart. And I am a sucker for a film with a lesson and a positive ending.

I decided to take on this challenge for July after reading about it from SandmanJazz. Check out his blog and his entry for the thirtieth and final day of the challenge.


30 Day Film Challenge / Day 29

Today the challenge is a film that you did not want to end.

I could not think of many films that I felt should have gone on longer. There were a few I felt would have been good if a sequel had been planned.

The film I decided on was “True Lies” the 1994 film written and directed by James Cameron and starring Jamie Lee Curtis, Tom Arnold, and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

It is a delightfully funny film and shows Jamie Lee Curtis at her best. I would love to see a sequel, especially with Jamie Lee years later. They could write Arnold out in some tragic spy scene and I would be okay with that.

I decided to take on this challenge for July after reading about it from SandmanJazz. Check out his blog and his entry for the twenty-ninth day of the challenge. Maybe even join in!


30 Day Film Challenge / Day 28

Today the challenge is. a movie that changed your life

Wow! Are movies actually capable of changing people’s lives? I can see educating, or changing an opinion or perhaps encouraging a lifestyle change. Like the movie, “Supersized” for example. I have certainly been impacted by movies, but changing my life? That’s a big ask of a film.

So, my mind went to documentaries that had an impact on my education or my way of thinking. This took me all the way back to I think 9th grade when we saw the 1956 French documentary film “Night and Fog” filmed 10 years after the liberation of German concentration camps. It still gives me chills to this day.

French film director Alain Resnais only decided to make the film once Jean Cayrol, a survivor of Gusen concentration camp, agreed to do the screenwriting. The film met with several attempts of censorship through hiding of certain facts or by inaccurate translations of the narration of the film.

Seeing this film was horrific. Until this day, I could never have imagined the horrors that humanity is capable of. It also left a forever imprint on my brain allowing for zero tolerance for anyone that would ever attempt to deny the Holocaust. It is an important, although difficult, film to see. It is a stark reminder why we must fight racism.

The film is available on YouTube in its entirety, but I am not putting the clip here. I feel it is a film that needs to be seen, but I also feel one must be prepared for what they will see. Instead, I am posting a short interview with director, Alain Resnais about the film. I do encourage you to watch the film if you have not already seen it. Especially considering the continued actions toward various ethnicities in our highly volatile world today.

I decided to take on this challenge for July after reading about it from SandmanJazz. Check out his blog and his entry for the twenty-eighth day of the challenge. Maybe even join in!


30 Day Film Challenge / Day 27

Today the challenge is your favorite superhero film.

I am going old school on this one — all the way back 42 years ago. “Superman” was released in 1978, directed by Richard Donner. With a musical score by Paul Williams and a cost of $50 million, the film earned over $300 million at the box office.

Superman was one of THE superheroes of my childhood, so maybe I have a special affinity for the character. I loved Christopher Reeve in the lead role and with the star studded cast, it might have been difficult to miss with consumers.


I decided to take on this challenge for July after reading about it from SandmanJazz. Check out his blog and his entry for the twenty-seventh day of the challenge. Maybe even join in!


30 Day Film Challenge / Day 26

Today the challenge is a film that made me feel happy.

It is funny how so many of these prompts I find difficult. I think perhaps because I am not a movie aficionado and usually films do not have that much of an impact on how I feel. I went down a rabbit hole trying to decipher just what might make me happy. A happy ending? The good guys prevailing? A funny movie that made me laugh? Or maybe a nonsensical movie that serves as an escape.

I settled on the fact that the company I watch with has a great deal to do with how I feel about the movie. We watched the pseudo remake of “The Absent Minded Professor” (“Flubber”) with our grandson when he was younger and his laughter throughout made me laugh out loud. There were a few ‘borderline’ adult humor scenes that he was just beginning to understand and his laughter was contagious.

I loved the original movie, “The Absent Minded Professor”, in Black and White, but the remake with Robin Williams and the incorporation of robotics and animation made it more appealing to a new generation. John Huston’s screenplay was based on the original 1961 screenplay by Bill Walsh.

I recommend watching it with a child or two.

I decided to take on this challenge for July after reading about it from SandmanJazz. Check out his blog and his entry for the twenty-sixth day of the challenge. Maybe even join in!