
Tuesday Baking, Birds, and Other Things

I am a little tired this morning. It’s my own fault, though. I discovered a documentary on Hulu last night on Margaret Atwood. I knew it was too late to start it, but reason does not always prevail in my world these days. I admire her as both a writer and an activist. Her power of keen observation and the way she applies that observation to her work is something I must be careful not to envy too much. I guess we must all have that one author that pulls us in.

Speaking of authors and writing, I logged onto my library account last night and put two ebooks on hold: Becoming by Michelle Obama and Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens. One I plan to read with my friend Lauren as an ‘online book club’ and one was recommended by my friend Molly. I have not done much reading during this pandemic so it will be nice to settle in and read some.

When I woke this morning I was excited to see an email from King Arthur Flour. My flour finally shipped! I have 5 pounds of all purpose white and 5 lbs of all purpose wheat flour on the way! I managed to buy SAF instant-yeast from an online store – Waffle Pantry. So, I once again feel comfortable about baking some bread.

Yesterday I made a single 9” layer cake. You may remember I wanted to try and recreate a cake my grandmother used to make. She made a one-egg cake with a black walnut and brown sugar glaze. I was able to find a couple of recipes online I felt like trying and I must say, it turned out pretty darn close! The cake is unbelievably moist and the taste of the black walnuts took me back to my childhood. It is amazing what memories our senses can trigger. Black walnuts have a very distinct and earthy taste — they truly are one of the tastes that whisk me back to another place and time.

These are the recipes I used if you want to try either of them for yourself:

Easy One Bowl Yellow Cake
Broiled Nut Icing

Let’s talk AirPods. I love using them if we ever need to go out because it reduces my need to touch my phone. Siri will read me my text messages and send me text messages and even make calls for me, all with my phone in my purse. Last week I opened the case and dropped one on the floor. It bounced, then disappeared. I was so confused. Well, I got down on my knees in the kitchen and discovered there was a space under the cabinets on the back of our kitchen island. Frustrated, I told hubby, then proceeded on to the post office. When I came back, hubby was able to get his hand into the space and had the AirPod in his hand but then it slipped out of his hand and he heard it hit the floor — under the island behind the toe kick. 🙄 It is now unreachable unless we do some deconstruction in the kitchen.

The hummingbirds are definitely back, although I have only seen one or two males so far. We have two pair of Rose Breasted Grosbeaks that frequent the feeders every day. They are here during their migration but we do not typically see them stay around all summer long. They are a little aggressive at the feeder, happily lingering there and chasing other birds off. The bluebirds are also here every day. The Bluejays also make their presence known.

I have been pulling all my art supplies out of the nooks and crannies in which they have been stored. I have large pads full of gesture drawings from old Life Drawing classes which I am finally going to throw away. There are a few drawings that I will keep, but most are charcoal and do not fare very well after years of storage.

That’s about it for me. I will leave you with a little Moody Blues on this Tuesday. Enjoy!


21 thoughts on “Tuesday Baking, Birds, and Other Things”

  1. You are so going to love Where The Crawdads Sing! One of the best books I’ve read this year, now I’m reading Beloved by Toni Morrison…I’ve never read anything quite like it. Her style of writing is so unique and it drew me in immediately!
    Love your bird pics, I have a couple of feeders but the squirrels mainly eat out of them, lol.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kim, my husband has always battled the squirrels but ‘social distancing’ the feeders from the trees and adding baffles to the poles seems to have dissuaded them. I am looking forward to the book!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. It is a great throwback song, Dan. Luckily my husband is a gadget man so he has a little USB camera he was able to slip behind the 2×6 so he knows exactly where that little AirPod is lying. He promises me he can retrieve it!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. That cake looks absolutely delicious. Must check out the recipe, though I’m not sure about the availability of black walnuts. Never heard of them. Would pale walnuts work?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Maggie, in the yard of the house where I grew up in north Arkansas, a black walnut tree grew. These walnuts fell from the tree inside thick, green, softish, outer husks. We spread these nuts in the dirt road that ran beside our house. Cars ran over them, and the cars’ wheels removed the icky, skin-staining husks, leaving the hard-shelled walnuts. My sister and I sat beneath that tree, cracked open the incredibly hard shells with rocks, and picked out the nutmeats with bobby pins. Ahhh! Great memory.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Black walnuts sure are messy in the hull, Debbie. We always spread them to dry and ran over them, too! We cracked them with a hammer – they are not easy to get into! But boy are they delicious!! She happy to Hear of someone else who likes them!


  4. Glad you found Waffle Pantry too. Hesitated to post the name of the yeast supplier, so I am glad you got your yeast. I got 5 pounds of King Arthur white whole wheat yesterday. It is the little things that turn out to be big things. I will be interested to hear your take on the Crawdads book. It left me cold, wondering about the almost uniform praise of the novel.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I was desperate to find some yeast to order and stumbled on them by complete chance. Interesting your take on the crawdad book. I will definitely circle back and let you know what I think after reading.

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  5. Maggie, Michelle Obama’s book was truly one of my favorites. Her writing style reminds me of yours……she is so expressive and her warmth just wraps you up in feeling good. She is a great lady.
    How long did it take you to get your King Arthur flour? I tried a few weeks ago but didn’t order because it sounded like the wait was very long. I thought the stores would get it, but they’re not so I will surrender to ordering!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I look forward to reading the book. I always had such admiration for her. I think it took almost a month to get flour from King Arthur. Do you remember the little Dutch Country spice store across the street from the pub where we ate dinner? They had flour but it was huge quantities. That has been the only flour available here. I was frugal with what I had on hand while I waited for shipping from KA.


      1. I have about half a bag of the bread and then all purpose. I will order and just make due till then. Theirs is the best.

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    1. We have definitely enjoyed the cake, Wilma. Watching the birds is a favorite pastime, too. Our children call out picture windows our ‘outdoor tv’.

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