SoCS – Opposites

We are all celebrating Linda’s negative results from her Covid test. Yay for negative results!  Pop over to Linda’s place to join in with the Saturday SoCS event at: Life in Progress – check out the rules and the contribution of other bloggers.

This week, the prompt is:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “opposites.” Use the word “opposites” or write about things that are opposites. Have fun!

“Never assume that loud is strong and quiet is weak.”

I saw that online recently and do not know who said it, so I wrapped it in quotes to show these are not my words. But that phrase does contain some reference to perceived opposites.

Perceived opposites – boy, oh, boy, does humankind like to reflect on how we are opposite from one another. We perceive differences yet we all but ignore our similarities.

Am I guilty? Of course in some cases, I admit I am. But honestly, I try to take a step back and try to see another person’s point of view. It can be tiring and may be that is why we tend to accept the obvious differences and then go no further.

Which makes me reject that old notion that opposites attract. If that was truly the case, then we would all be friends!

My husband was lamenting that if it were 30 degrees cooler, all this rain would be snow which would make him happy. He loves the cold weather. I can appreciate it in small doses. Is rain the opposite of snow? I don’t think so. Rain is maybe just liquid snow?

Okay, now the brakes have given out and I am aimlessly rolling down the hill of nonsense which is the opposite of what I intended. Let’s just leave this right here.