
Days of Reflection

I took some much needed time to spend with my family in the days following Christmas so I have only been dropping in occasionally. Sadly, I read the news that fellow blogger Mary Smith’s cancer journey came to an end. I am so sad we lost Mary and as much as we all loved her, I am sure our feelings pale in comparison to those of her family. This community lost another strong, welcoming, and supportive member. It is a loss we will feel for years to come.

Since my family left, I have taken some time to reflect on the past year and think about my intentions for the year to come. I never make resolutions, but one thing I do try to do is find a focus or an intent for the coming year.

December also has some grief anniversaries for me of which I try to stay above a sense of sadness and focus on celebrating the lives that played such an important part of helping me develop into the person I would become. Hard nonetheless.

2021 had its ups and downs. I had moments of hope for the virus declining and we all know those hopes were dashed. I now know several people fully vaccinated and boosted who have contracted the virus. Sadly, it was to be expected as long as the virus had a place to mutate and spread. Guidances are changing again. Shorter quarantine times (which some doctors disagree with) and a move away from cloth masks to N95, KN95, or 3-ply surgical masks. Trying to stay one step ahead of (or at least in sync with) the virus becomes more and more challenging.

I am making some minor changes to my blog and I hope to move back to writing more from my heart which is how I started this journey. I won’t say I will not continue some of the weekly prompts and challenges, but when I do, I hope the content will be more based in actually saying something that gives readers a glimpse of who I am. I hope to continue the Thursday Throwback prompt with Lauren – at least until it has run its course.

This community has become such an important part of my life and I value you, dear readers and fellow writers more than you can imagine. As in any other community, I think our role is to add something to make it better – or at least no worse – than we found it. That is my goal.

I remain ever optimistic and hopeful for the future.