
Goings On

I did not blog yesterday. We left early on Saturday and drove to Charleston, SC to help my husband’s aunt celebrate her 85th birthday. She is a widow and the last living sibling in her family, so we wanted to be there to help her celebrate. She was well-pleased with the number of people who turned out to honor her. What a nice surprise!

This morning I am taking some time to update some general information about my blog. Now that I am beyond the 365 day blogging challenge, I wanted to update the direction and reason for my blog. I expect it to morph into something new over the next couple of weeks.

I have also been thinking a lot about my upcoming month of writing that is NaNoWriMo. If you are not familiar, National Novel Writing Month is a time when writers all over the world try to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. It takes place during the month of November every year. It is a great non-profit organization that supports writing and fluency which I think is pretty cool.

Commitments for November are stacking up which means I must plan to write more than the compulsory 1667 words every day. I love the chaos that is Nano. It is a time in which I really focus on writing. I do not always meet the challenge, but I always give it my best shot. This year is no different.

I have also been working on opening a FaceBook page for my artistic endeavors. Part of that is getting a logo created. I did not want to spend much money on a logo because I am sure my ideas about who I am and what I hope to show will continue to change over time. So, bottom line, I went with Fiverr to get the logo made. The designer I have been working with has been responsive with the biggest problem being me not knowing what I want. I have settled on something, though and it will work for now. Once things are up and going, I will share it here.

So, that’s the bulk of what has been going on in my life. What have you been up to?