
1LinerWednesday – Pick Up the Pace


Since I returned home there has been a lot to catch up on. I did take most of Monday to rest in between changing the linens and doing a little laundry.

Last night we went to see our grandson’s cross country event. It was an overcast evening which made it a little easier on the runners. The sunset was lovely. Hubby and I stopped and had a salad before heading back home.

Much to my disappointment, he and I will not be able to take the add-on trip before the women’s retreat in October. Columbus Day weekend is prime leaf peeping season in New England and getting airline tickets, car, hotels and meals on such short notice becomes a logistical nightmare and quite costly.

We were looking forward to our drive through Maine and on into Vermont. I had hoped to go to the VonTrapp Family Lodge, to the Ben and Jerry ice cream factory and maybe even back to the Norman Rockwell museum. Maybe we can do all that in the spring.

I did make my arrangements for the retreat and I am looking forward to this time. Hubby is so generous and always supports me in the things I need to do for self care.

We will plan a trip soon — maybe to Washington, D.C. or Maryland or perhaps Gettysburg. We might like to do a road trip and just meander through the country for a while.

I have another jewelry class coming up in early December and we also signed up for a kadomatsu class. A kadomatsu is a traditional Japanese arrangement displayed outside your home in celebration of the New Year. We both like Japanese culture and thought this would be fun to do together.

katorisi, Pair gate with pine branches for the New Year,kadomatsu,katori-city,japan, CC BY 3.0

I may also sign up for a pastel class and a sketchbook/watercolor class. Lots coming up!

1LinerWed is brought to us by Linda Hill. For all the rules click here ===> Linda G. Hill

Be sure to read all the comments and see how others handled their one line.

11 thoughts on “1LinerWednesday – Pick Up the Pace”

  1. You’ll enjoy the fall in New England, nonetheless. Tim will eat some Ben and Jerry’s ice cream for you in Burlington (at their first store) on our way back. I had some earlier in the summer, but really am not an ice cream person at heart.

    We’ve got two HomeExchange places lined up on the way back, and we’re ahead of prime leaf season, so our in between stop near Albany, NY, should be fine.

    I hope you’ll sign up for the pastel class! And I’m up for the sketchbook one, too…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, the time in New Hampshire will be lovely, Lisa. And so kind of Tim to eat some ice cream for me!

      I will look at the classes again today and make a decision. My internal critic is already setting in!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. So sorry you have to miss the New England trip. But it sounds like lots of other good things to look forward to will be happening. The retreat will be great for you!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You are keeping busy!
    I always had a huge interest in the US Civil War, so would love to visit Gettyburg, Antietam, and Fredericksburg. Sadly, I never got to America, and doubt I ever will now.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have been to a few of the Civil War sites before, Pete. I rather enjoy reading about the history. We followed a bit of the underground railway while we were in Maryland a few years ago. It makes one realize how strong the people who settled this country were. Such perseverance.

      I, too, wanted to travel more. I want to come to the UK since the majority of my ancestors come from England and Ireland. Not sure I will make it now, but we shall see.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. It is in New Hampshire, so I will still be in New England, just not the larger trip we had hoped for. But if I am ever in Connecticut, I would love to look you up!

      Liked by 1 person

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