
Sunshine Blogger Award


Day 198

I am humbled to have been nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award by Ribana — a wonderfully positive person whose blog Popsicle Society I look forward to every day. She has the most beautiful photographs and the occasional recipe I love to try. Thank you so much for following my blog and for nominating me. I love this community.

The Sunshine Blogger Award is a peer award for blogs that inspire joy and positivity.

The Rules: 

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you.
  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
  • Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award in your post/or on your blog

Ribana’s questions for me:

  1. Are you a positive person?
    Yes, I try hard to be positive in all things.
  2. Why are you blogging? 
    I started blogging on LiveJournal years ago with some very close family and friends. I later found it to be a great outlet and sounding-board for the multitude of thoughts running through my mind. I also appreciate the blogging community so much.
  3. Is blogging your full time job and a way of living?
    No, although it has been in the past.
  4. What are you looking for when reading others blog?
    I love thought-provoking blogs on many different subjects. I am also attracted to striking images, music, art and anything that makes me laugh.
  5. Are you an organized person? How do you organize your day?
    I am organized, although I’m much more relaxed in my activities since retiring. I keep my schedule and my to-do list in my head.
  6. What do you prefer? Reading a book or watching a movie?
    Reading a book. I do enjoy an occasional movie if the subject is interesting.
  7. Coffee or tea?
    Coffee in the morning, green tea at night.
  8. What is the view from your home?
    Trees and nature. Lots of foliage, birds, and wildlife.
  9. Are you an online shopping addicted?
    No. I am not much of a shopper at all!
  10. Are you a morning person?
    Yes. I much prefer the morning.
  11. Do you exercise?
    Yes. I walk 2-3 miles 4-5 times a week.

My Questions:

  1. Where do you find inspiration for your blog?
  2. Country or city or somewhere in-between?
  3. Have you ever seen a glacier or the northern lights?
  4. Where do you feel most at home?
  5. What talent do you wish you possessed?
  6. What animal would you consider your spirit animal?
  7. Have you ever been on television?
  8. Can you play a musical instrument? If so, what?
  9. If time travel were possible, what time would you like to visit?
  10. Is music an important part of your life?
  11. What is the one thing your followers don’t know about you?

My Nominees:

  1. Anything is Possible
  2. LSS Attitude of Gratitude
  3. The Sound of One Hand Typing
  4. Linda G. Hill
  5. Jet Eliot
  6. Joeyfully Stated
  7. Saved by Words
  8. StarCreative
  9. Beneath the Borealis
  10. For the Love of Lawrence
  11. I Didn’t Have My Glasses On

That was harder than I imagined. There are so many lovely blogs I appreciate so much.

To all the bloggers who write the blogs I follow and to all those who get something out of what I write – I thank you!




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