Blog, SoCS

SoCS – Picture This

I guess Linda meant it when she talked about changing behavior. Who thought we would have a photo type prompt today! Visit Linda’s blog to get all the SoCS rules then join in on the SoCS fun!

Today’s prompt is as follows:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “a picture from wherever.” When you sit down to write your post, find a picture, whether in a magazine, newspaper, or even product packaging. Write whatever thought or emotion the picture provokes. Enjoy!

Cover of Prairie Moon Nursery Catalog

In the spring we always go on the hunt for native plants. Even our best local nurseries sell a lot of non-native ornamental plants. It is perhaps a small effort for our local environment but an important one. I think we often discount the beauty of our natives species for the showy colors of plants imported from other places.

I was struck by the hummingbird on the photo. Our flowering season was so short this year. We had only one or two hummingbirds and sadly they seem to have disappeared. The hummingbirds are my favorite sign of spring. So many of these beautiful birds are dying because of poorly maintained feeders. We put out hummingbird feeders but we are very careful to keep the feeders clean and refreshed – this will be especially important during the predicted heat wave coming next week.

I am sad to see our native dogwoods choked out by non native wisteria. We have about 3 acres of land, most of which is woodland. In the spring we walk it before it becomes too overgrown and every year more and more nandina bushes appear. Their red toxicberries are a threat to the birds and wildlife. I see more and more Bradford pear trees dotting our landscape and integrated into our woodland environment. People forget the wind and the birds and animals spread these seeds far and wide. We have to do our part to minimize this danger.

And that leaves us with the pizzly bear. Have you heard of it? It is a cross between grizzly bear and a polar bear thought to be a result of polar bears moving further south to find new food sourced due to global warming.

17 thoughts on “SoCS – Picture This”

  1. I heard of a Pizzly Bear on a nature programme here. I wasn’t sure of it was a spoof, so thanks for confirming it is real. I am jealous of you being able to see humnningbirds. We don’t have any in the UK.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It fascinates me to see our world evolving to the changes mankind has introduced. Yes, the hummingbirds awesome of my favorites. They are fascinating birds and have very distinct behaviors.

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  2. Our world is evolving and so much quicker than ever before. The seasons, the flora and forna plus all living creatures . Sadly a lot of it is not good change and it’s down to man!
    I do love the idea of this hybrid bear it’s probably the polar bears best chance 😁😁💜💜💜


  3. Beautiful picture! Thank you for taking good care of your hummingbirds. I did not know about the pizzly bears. They give me a twisted sort of hope.

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  4. It’s nice of have some acreage and watch the nature around you. A cardinal made a nest in the nandina bushes outside my window. Or what I thought was nandina. I didn’t realize the birds could be harmed by them though. Two of the 4 chicks made it and both chicks have flown the coop. Better check on the name of those bushes.

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    1. It is such a joy to observe wildlife around us. I had hugenandia bushes in Florida – they we’re everywhere. I never knew they were dangerous to wildlife either.

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      1. Seems like they’d know and stay away. And now as I over analyze, maybe momma cardinal could’ve out her nest there on purpose to keep other birds away …

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