26 thoughts on “Autumn Observations”

    1. Lisa, it is a great time of year here as you know. I have really been enjoying your photos from Canada as well!


    1. Thank you. That little guy is actually a chipmunk. They fill their little jaws full of food, then take it elsewhere to stow away for winter. He loves to hang out under the bird feeders where there is ample food supply.

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  1. I enjoyed your wildlife, but if an insect like that one appeared anywhere in (or near) our house, Julie would squash it in a heartbeat! 🙂
    Best wishes, Pete.

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  2. The insect reminded me of a toy that we had as kids. You pushed it down and stuck it to the wall with its little feet and then waited for it to spring off the wall. As for the birds, it looks as if neither got any food.

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    1. I remember toys like that.

      The hummingbirds are so territorial. They spend so much time and energy challenging each other, they wear themselves out instead of eating. These were two males and there was one female lurking around somewhere.They will be heading south any day now.

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  3. Lovely photos and fantastic videos. I’d be tempted to go out and yell at those hummingbirds, Hey! Knock it off! You need to learn to get along. I know that is not the way of an observer, but still…

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    1. The hummers are at it all summer. I went outside the other day because I could not get cell signal in the house. I held my phone up in the air and a hummingbird swept right past my face and right at my phone. It was either attracted by the red case or it saw its reflection. Either way, I was startled.

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