
SoCS – Choices, We All Have Them

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “choices.” Base your post on the subject of making small, uneventful choices. Enjoy!

Should I set my alarm? No
Make the bed? Yes, but coffee first.
Check FB? I should say no, but yes.
Reheat my coffee that cooled while reading blogs? Yes. Cold coffee is yuck.
Turn on the heater at my feet? Yes!
Make a list of ‘to do’s’ for the day? No, I will pass. It’s Saturday.
Start some laundry? Wait a bit. Who wants that racket while enjoying morning coffee?
Cereal? No, I do not like the cereal I bought to try.
Oatmeal? Yummm. Warm and filling. Maybe.
Eggs? No. Had that yesterday.
Pancakes? No. Not just for me. Hubby is eating cereal.
Toast and apple butter? Hmmm.
With butter? No butter! I will pass. I guess oatmeal.
Milk or orange juice? I want juice, but not with oatmeal.
Maybe a bagel? A bagel sounds good.
Plain cream cheese or onion and chives? Good grief!

I think I will have another cup of coffee.

SoCS is brought to us each Saturday by Linda Hill. Check her blog for the rules and other stream of consciousness posts.


18 thoughts on “SoCS – Choices, We All Have Them”

  1. Nice rhythm. Oatmeal with apples, bananas and walnuts is my go to breakfast. I never get tired of it, especially since my husband makes it.

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  2. I like the way you did that, our thought processes are similar, lol. In the end, I made the wrong choice of cereal, which is cheating on my “diet” but I was feeling lazy and I’m sick of eggs. Hopefully, it will all balance out next week when I go back to being strict and eat the “proper” things. 😉

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