
SoCS – Subject: Subject

Linda is really on her SoCS game with this prompt.

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “ect.” Find a word with the letters “ect” in it, and base your post on that word. (Not to be confused with “et cetera,” which is “etc.”) Enjoy!

When I saw Linda’s prompt for the week, I could only think of the word subject. But could I subject my followers to such blather?

Then I thought about all the phone calls I made on Friday. Inspections! Arguably the most tedious of home buying tasks. Home inspection, water testing, radon testing, septic inspection, appraisals, surveys, title searches. Ugh. By the end of the day I was feeling dejected and tired of it all and that was only day one!

Then I saw a message pop up on my phone about the election. I must go vote. I MUST go vote. I am not sure what to expect from this election, but I know I must do my part.

Before going to bed, I remembered that I neglected to call my friend as planned. I got caught up in all this red tape. I turned on the television and fell asleep on the couch. I love unexpected sleep, though. You know, it is when your body relaxes and filters out the sound and off you go to a little momentary bliss.

In a few hours our family will be here for a visit and I suspect it will be a perfect sort of day. Just hanging out, talking and spending some quality time together. It doesn’t get much better than that.

I will end this by sharing the perfect song for today’s prompt. Enjoy!

Where does your mind take you on Saturdays? Why not join the SoCS bunch and just let your words flow?