Blog, SoCS

SoCS – Farewell Jim Pike

Day 272

Welcome to the stream of consciousness that is swirling in my head early on a Saturday morning. Linda’s prompt this week is:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “leaves.” Use it as a noun or a verb. Have fun!

I read online that Jim Pike passed away June 9th in his home in Prescott, AZ.

Jim Pike was the co-founder and lead singer for The Lettermen.

I am taking poetic license with the prompt today to honor this man with such a beautiful voice. My sisters and I were big fans of The Lettermen, so we listened to their albums frequently.

The song that came to mind was from the musical Camelot –“If Ever I Would Leave You”, written and composed by Frederick Loewe and Alan Jay Lerner. The song is most identified with Robert Goulet although many artists have recorded the song through the years.

I am not crazy about the photos used in this YouTube video, so just close your eyes and listen.


Just click this link to check out Linda’s post for all the SoCS rules. Make sure you take the time to read what everyone else had to say about this prompt.