Blog, Writing

Recovering from One of THOSE Days

Day 138

How do you regain your bearings after a difficult day? I spent most of the day on my old MacBook (which will not startup or run unless plugged in) finding some Illustrator logo files. It is a slow and clunky process. My old Mac needs an OS upgrade, but then my VERY expensive Adobe files will not run if I upgrade. Enter catch-22.

I plugged in an old USB drive and started slowly perusing. Normally this would be a mistake, but yesterday it was a much needed distraction.

Looking through old files I saw so many photos of people in my life who are no longer with us. It makes you realize how fleeting life can be. The pictures issued their gentle warning — take today my friend, but don’t dwell here.

Then I stumbled on a folder of old stories. Some started and never finished. Some I remember quite well (as well as the inspiration for each) and others I have no recollection of at all — did I write that?

I found quite a few unfinished pieces from my early NaNoWriMo days.

Finding these files and re-reading a few made me think more about my writing. I am going to set aside more dedicated time in my day to write. My style and voice have changed for sure.

In the interim, I decided to post one of the stories on my old writing blog. The writing itself is immature, but reading it took me back to that time and place. I laughed as I remembered it all so clearly.

A Little Bit of Soul

If you need a little chuckle today, check it out.

I’m headed into a new day.

9 thoughts on “Recovering from One of THOSE Days”

  1. I liked that lil piece Harmony. Lil grungy, description vivid.

    I had a bad day and I have eaten a Frosty. Soon I will eat a turkey and avocado sammich and then I will soak in the tub and go to bed where, thankfully, new days emerge after a good sleep.
    I hope your new day is also good 🙂


    1. 😉 Harmony was a piece of work for sure. She was pure imagination, but there was a bit of life experience in her man. What did ‘Anne with an e’ say? Tomorrow is a new day, fresh with no mistakes…or something close to that?

      Liked by 1 person

  2. It’s always so interesting to bumble onto old writings, whatever you think about them. I’m often surprised that something was actually well-written, or that I even wrote about it. But, of course, I’m not doing fiction!


  3. I was really interesting seeing how you’ve moved on and changed and how it shows in your writing. I don’t know you as this is my first time on your blog but I already appreciate your determination and wry sense of humour. I look forward to reading more

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for reading. Finding a creative way to realign is truly what keeps me going sometimes. So glad to have you stop by. I am looking forward to checking out your blog as well.


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