Blog, Holidays

Share Your Story – A Valentine’s Day Invitation

Day 132

Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day in the U.S.

A few days ago I mailed valentines to all of our grandchildren. Valentine’s Day is not one of the holidays hubby and I put much stock in. We have never given cards, or flowers or candy. It is usually a day we choose to just spend together doing something we both enjoy.

This morning I saw a blog post by Toritto which was a poignant reminder that tragedy can strike at any time — even on a day set aside for celebrating love.

Most of us have several love stories. Some ending well, some not so well, some as only a witness, some a love for a pet, and some an ongoing love in our lives. I wondered how best to tell several love stories all in one day. After much thought, I have decided to write them all as single line stories in one post.

All these stories are a witness to the power of love and I think telling them in this way is a challenge as a writer.

If you care to join in, you can certainly link back to my post tomorrow, or if you are not a blogger, just leave it in the comments. Of course, you can just post privately if you would rather. I think it’s good to reflect on the many loves in our lives whether we share or not.

I will be working on my one line stories today and will have the post up shortly after midnight Eastern time the U.S. I will approve any pingbacks if you want to share your stories. I would love to read them.

In honor of tomorrow and to set the mood, I thought I would share one of my favorite love poems.

Rod McKuen, Listen to the Warm

I live alone.
It hasn’t always been that way.
It’s nice sometimes
to open up the heart a little
and let some hurt come in.
It proves you’re still alive.

I’m not sure what it means.
Why we can not shake the old loves from our minds.
It must be that we build on memories
And make them more than what they were.
And is the manufacture
Just a safe device for closing up the wall?

I do remember.
The only fuzzy circumstance
Is sometimes where-and-how.
Why, I know.

It happens just because we need
To want and to be wanted too,
When love is here or gone
To lie down in the darkness
And listen to the warm.