
My Sister’s Birthday

Day 137

67. That’s how old you would be today. We would have already talked but I know you would not be focused on your birthday. Not today. Your heart would be elsewhere.

My Sister

One of my Favorite Pictures of You

Not all sisters get along which makes me even more thankful. Your love and support were all that kept me afloat during certain times of my life as I know my love and support were for you. That’s what sisters do.

I was determined to celebrate you today, to cheat grief out of a day. It’s hard. There would never have been enough days but I wanted more. We both did.

I think in some ways you tried to prepare me for a time without you but you did a shitty job with that.

I do celebrate the love and the memories — there were so many but why does it still feel they are lacking?

I can feel that I’m not doing well at celebrating. Grief is trying to win, but then so am I.


My Friend

This was a role you took seriously and you were damned good at it. There are many people who should take a page from your book.

Friendships are living and breathing relationships. Yes, you were my sister, but you were also always my friend.

With you, things were never one-sided. It was give-and-take. If you had not heard from me in an acceptable timeframe, you called me. Sometimes I would turn inward and close up, but you were not about to have any of that. I never had to cry alone — until now.

turtleSo many people don’t understand that two-lane highway of friendship. With you, it was a curvy country road. Sometimes there were no lines on the road and no road signs. That’s when you just felt your way. And sometimes you needed to cross the center line when I was about to fall off the cliff — oncoming traffic be damned. And when the road was just too difficult to maneuver, there was always a place to pull over and just be.

And if there was a turtle crossing that road, it must be rescued! I was the turtle more times than I like to admit.


There is still anger. There are things I am not over. It’s hard to know if you would have been right there with me or if you would be telling me to just let it go.

My daughter called this morning to see how I was doing. We talked about anger and unresolved thoughts. She suggested I call on Mr. Rogers. So here you go.

Video courtesy of YouTube

Moving Forward Without You

It’s almost been three years. It is not easy. I am thankful your voice is still clear in my mind.

I love you and I miss you. That will never change.

Happy Birthday, Sis. I hope somewhere, somehow and in some way you know your little sister is here still loving you and missing you just like always.

10 thoughts on “My Sister’s Birthday”

  1. I’m sorry your struggling with the loss of your sister, my mother is going through the same as you. It’s great you can open up and speak about your anger and feelings. I pray the pain will make you stronger and you continue to have wonderful memories of your time together. Keep smiling.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, and my prayers go out to you and your mother as well. Writing it down and giving a voice to the feelings really helps, but it doesn’t take the sorrow away. I appreciate your kindness.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh Bestie, I wish I could help you but I know there are no words to comfort. Just know you are loved by SO many and we understand your pain and sorrow. As we know, life is not always kind and there are so many things we will never understand. On the other hand, we do have alot to be grateful for…..pretty soon you’ll be celebrating great adventures with our darling grand baby! Hope that anticipation puts a smile on your face today. Love you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am so grateful for all my gifts and blessings. Birthdays and holidays are harder. She was my ‘goto’ person for so many things. Thank you for the love and support.


  3. * insert broken heart* and my condolences as you continue to grieve. I’m so glad you had a friend like no other in your very own sister.

    Liked by 1 person

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