
Notice to Readers and Followers

Content Disclaimer: I have no control over the paid ads or paid ‘sponsored posts’ that may appear on my blog. I will be evaluating alternatives but in the interim, please know these ads and ‘sponsored posts’ are not of my choosing.


Sponsored Posts – another WordPress Disappointment

WordPress is currently in the process of testing what they are terming ‘sponsored posts’. It is not enough that our WordPress blogs have advertising, but now someone else’s post will be displayed in the middle of my blog.

Of course this is not happening if you have a paid WordPress account – it appears this is only for free accounts. No control is given to the blog ‘owner’ on the content of these

I could certainly move my blog or pay to host it here with WordPress, but not everyone can afford this.

It is another disappointing step after the block editor debacle. You can read their FAQ here.

HO HO HO – Merry Christmas.


SoCS – Wooly Willy

Stream of Consciousness Saturday is brought to you every week by Linda Hill. Check out her blog for the rules and the contribution of other bloggers.

This week’s prompt:
Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “magnet.” Use it any way you’d like. Enjoy!

From the time I was little, I have been fascinated with magnets. I loved trying to force the same poles of magnets together only to see the magnetic fields repel each other. I think all of us had one or two horseshoe magnets 🧲 around the house.

So many of our toys were simple and some were simply made of dangerous materials and hazardous to our health! We won’t go into that here, maybe another post. Some of the toys were ingenious use of byproducts of the manufacturing process. That’s how Wooly Willy was born.

The toy was invented in Smethport, PA in 1955. It was made of discarded metal filings from grinders, moulded plastic and a magnet. The original face was created by a local artist, Leonard Mackowski.

The magnet was used to drag the filings from the bottom of the plastic to decorate the face with eyebrows, a beard and hair. The magnet worked from the front of the package or the back. Of course, as soon as the toy was tilted upright, all the filings fell back to the bottom.

It was actually an ingenious toy. The plastic was necessary to encase the metal filings as well as keep them dry – otherwise they would rust. It was also used to act as a holding place for the magnetic wand. We always got our parents to slice the end of the plastic off with a razor blade so we could store the magnet for safe keeping. Not bad for the 29¢ investment.

Wooly Willy Took his place among the commonplace toys of the time – YoYos, balsa wood Hi Flyer planes, marbles, and jacks.

The background music in the video below is annoying, but if you listen carefully, up you will pick up the sound of the magnet clicking against the plastic case.