
One Liner Wednesday – Ain’t It The Truth!

 “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.”
 Abraham Lincoln

One Liner Wednesday is brought to us each week by Linda Hill. Check out Linda’s blog to see what others have to say with just one line.


It’s Been A While…A Small 2020 Update From My Little Bubble


So happy to see my daughter update her blog with this Facebook post. I am so proud of her and her optimism. This year has not been easy on any of us and she and her family had a particularly difficult patch. To come out of it with a positive outlook is inspiring. I hope her words will resonate with you as they have with so many others. We may be divided politically, but we are all part of the same human race.

Two Moms And A Toddler

I know it’s been far too long since I’ve written a blog. My new job has been all too consuming and I am long overdue to give a full and complete update here and I promise I will do that.

I made a Facebook post today because my heart told me to and it seemed to resonate with so many people. My mom asked me to post it here so here goes. I promise to write more soon and fill you in on all the details soon but this should give you a good indicator of where I’m at.

I miss the blogging community so much and for now, I am writing every day but I am doing NaNowriMo – the National Novel Writing challenge that happens every November. Write 50,000 words in 30 days. Hopefully, when that’s over I’ll sit down and fill everyone in on what’s been happening…

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