
MarySmith’sPlace #Giant pylons will ruin iconic landscape

I have enjoyed Mary’s blog so much and seeing the beautiful photos she posts of Scotland are always a source of inspiration. In this time when we feel helpless to do much about anything, this is one thing we can all do. Our environment is precious and this beautiful country side should be preserved. Would you take a moment and send an email and ask that these pylons go underground? And, if you do not yet follow Mary’s blog, today is the perfect day to start.

Mary Smith's Place

From time to time on this blog I have shared some of the glorious countryside we have here in Dumfries & Galloway in South West Scotland.

Unfortunately, a huge area of this is now at risk of being ruined by Scottish Power Energy Networks (SPEN) which has put a planning application in to the Scottish Government to erect 118 giant pylons (up to 39 metres tall) from Glenlee, near New Galloway to Tongland in the south near Kirkcudbright.

Stroan Loch, courtesy PhilMcMenemy

The route goes over or close to iconic Galloway countryside including, the Queens Way (the road from New Galloway to Newton Stewart), Raiders Road, Stroan Loch and the Otter Pool. Laurieston Forest and the Kenick Burn will also be impacted, along with an avenue of beech trees by the burn’s picnic area. The route also goes over the C13 road from Laurieston to Gatehouse of Fleet, a road…

View original post 552 more words


Exercising Self Care

Today I exercise the best of self care. Coffee with hubby, watching the birds, and thinking creatively.

Today I walk away from social media. I do not read the hundreds of political posts that fly in desperation for the last word, their word, any word.

Today I go into the coziness of writing. I am in an imaginary vortex of characters that are foreign yet somehow familiar to me.

Today will unfurl without my comments. I am willing to let the flies swarm while I bask in peacefulness.

I hope you can do the same.