Blog, SoCS

SoCS – Tipping the Scale

It is now April and Linda has presented another challenge for our stream of consciousness writing this morning. This is where you throw out the planning and just let the words flow. If you are curious what SoCS is all about, check out Linda’s post for all the details. Join the fun while you are there.

Today’s prompt is as follows:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “tip.” Use it as a noun or a verb. Have fun!

Something has really tipped the scales this week. I am a bit off balance. A to Z is no joke for those of us who write off the cuff. It’s not the writing, but keeping up with the generous responses while trying to read other posts and dive into the blog hop itself. Kt is great fun, though! Whew! Let me take my hat off and rest a minute.

Speaking of hats, my grandfather always wore a hat. He was quite dapper and would always tip his hat to a lady. Here’s a southern grandmother survival tip.  In the south, a man with manners never wears his hat or cap in the house else you may feel the wrath of said grandmother. Why did men quit wearing hats? I think fashion for men never comes around full circle like it does for women.

When discussing tips at a restaurant, my dad would wise crack – “Here’s a tip for you – stay off the streets at night” – intended for no person in particular, but simply to get a reaction. My dad was a character at times.

I you remember when Tiny Tim married Miss Vicki on the Tonight Show? I thought of that because of his hit “Tiptoe Through the Tulips”. He was an interesting individual but don’t look him up unless you want to go down a very deep rabbit hole. That’s my tip for the day!

A to Z 2022, Blog

B Is For Beryl – #atozchallenge

B is for Beryl

Welcome to the idea that imperfections are beautiful! Such is the case with the mineral beryl.

In its purest form, beryl is colorless (goshenite). It is only when impurities are introduced the color forms and the mineral is more desirable. Now if people were more like that!

When impurities occur as beryl is formed, they introduce color into the naturally colorless beryl. These minerals are then better known by their gemstone names:

  • Emerald (deep green – from chromium impurities)
  • Aquamarine (blue – from ferrous iron impurities)
  • Green Beryl (light green – from vanadium impurities)
  • Red Beryl (red – from manganese impurities)
  • Morganite (pink – from manganese impurities)
  • Heliodor (yellow – from ferric iron impurities)

All Beryl is 7.5-8 on to MoHs scale. I should have mentioned this yesterday, but the Mohs scale was introduced by German mineralogist Friedrich Mohs in 1822. It is the standard for most mineral identification. The scale ranges from 1 to 10, with 10 being the hardest (diamond).

Aquamarine Beryl (A Hexagonal Crystal)

Rob Lavinsky, – CC-BY-SA-3.0, Beryl-209736, CC BY-SA 3.0

Beryl contains aluminum which is toxic, but there is some disagreement about the toxicity of working with beryl. The amounts are so small that they might not be dangerous. Always be safe when cutting gems – wear a respirator. Better to be safe than sorry.

Curious about prices? High quality emeralds range from $13,000 – $65,000 for a 6×9 mm stone. Aquamarine in the same size ranged $262 to $987. Morganites $262 – $2,000. From my sources I can purchase a lesser quality emerald for about $500 and a morganite or an aquamarine (although both have been irradiated or heat treated to improve the color) for under $100.

I have not set any of these stones. They are a bit out of my price range for now.

The Smithsonian has a large number of examples of beryl on exhibit. Click here for the catalog and be sure to click on their images in order to see them full size.

Which Beryl gemstone calls to you?