
Words Fail Me

I wrote a long post this morning. It sits in my drafts folder, waiting. For what I am not sure. Maybe it was 30 days of intense writing, maybe its the pandemic, or maybe I just have little to say coming together to form this roadblock.

This morning I realized how futile it is to try and force a blog post. It lacks authenticity. It smacks of some bizarre desperation. Writing generally flows easily for me, but this morning was not the case.

My thoughts are scattered. I cannot focus one one topic long enough to write anything coherent. Maybe it is because my house is in chaos. Today I am doing a deep clean in preparation for the days leading up to Christmas. I function must better when my world has order.

Did I say I function better when my world has order? Wow. As I write, I realize how much our world is spinning in chaos. Such an environment is not fertile ground for clearly thought-out writing. It even hampers off-the-cuff writing – for me at least. And the chaos is not going anywhere anytime soon.

It was almost one year ago to the day when I recorded and published the first of 100+ videos – one every day. I went back and watched those early videos and am toying with the idea of recording a new series. Not 100 days, but something to get the jumble of thoughts moving. Right now they are so stagnant.

For this moment though, I am going to put on Christmas music and get busy organizing what I can and enjoying a few thoughtless moments.

34 thoughts on “Words Fail Me”

  1. Christmas is always a stressful time, one reason why I rarely enjoy it.
    And now we have a real ‘Covid Christmas’ to deal with, on top of the usual dramas.
    Just do what you have to, Maggie. Blogging will take care of itself in due course.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I normally do not find Christmas stressful This year everything is more worrisome, however, so I am sure that beings on stress. Thank you for your never-ending encouragement.

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  2. Now you have me all curious about the post in the drafts folder.
    Blogging has to be enjoyable so take your time and relax.
    I could give lessons on not seeing chaos in houses. Pity no one wants to learn them!!
    Have a happy day!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I have been overlooking the chaos for months. Yesterday I got a lot organized and I am well pleased although I am still overlooking some of the remaining chaos.


        1. I would never use pristine as a descriptor for sure. It is my manageable chaotic jumble of loosely organized ‘stuff’.


  3. I agree with Pete, I loose more weight at Christmas I find it so stressful. Then as Pete says add Covid, and the fact I have been unwell all year, now recovering from an operation….. Bahumbug!!!💜💜💜

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It has been a difficult year and I do realize that. You, my friend, have had more than your share, though. I have been so fortunate it seems selfish to be stressed when so many have it so much worse.

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  4. My house needs deep cleaning, too, Maggie. With never having visitors now, standards have definitely slipped. And I won’t put decorations out until it is clean. I think I might just postpone Christmas until March 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I managed to do quite a bit yesterday, Mary, and at least I feel somewhat accomplished. You have more important things to concern yourself with than tidying up. Just try to do what you can and enjoy the holiday as much as possible. This Covid year has made that more challenging.

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  5. I hope you’ve managed to get your house in holiday form. Having things in chaos is definitely unsettling! I’ve put out our few Christmas items, but haven’t listened to any Christmas music, as the old iPod with it finally won’t charge, so I’ll have to recreate the collection on a newer device. Sigh.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Some progress was made, Lisa. It will take another day of organizing and preparing a package or two to put in the mail. I am happy with small but effective steps.


  6. I loved that you wrote about the impossibility of forcing a post. Then you ended up with a decent post! Sometimes the topic is staring us in the face isn’t it?

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Trying to tune out the world, has become a lonely exercise. Dreading trips to the store or other places, staying at home.

    Staying in
    Cleaning all the time
    Sleeping a lot.

    My God! I’ve become a house cat!

    Liked by 1 person

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