
A Thank You to My Followers

Fandango posted a prompt which serves as a good reminder to thank the people who follow us on our blogging journey. I am very happy to participate and give a shout out to those who find the things I write about worth reading.

I started blogging long ago and have had ‘journals’ and ‘blogs’ on several different platforms. I was using WordPress a lot in my web design business so this is the platform I settled on. And what an amazing community of people I have found here.

During this pandemic, connection to others has become critical for maintaining our sanity. Your likes, comments and back-and-forth discussions have kept me balanced and sane. To have friends (I hope you are okay with me calling you my friends) from all over the globe has allowed me to expand my horizons during a time I cannot enjoy communion with others in my own community. I have learned a lot from you.

I thank you for the enthusiastic support for my stories about my childhood growing up in the country. It has allowed me to share some very dear memories while connecting with some who shared similar memories and surprising some who have never been exposed to the life I had as a child.

I have shared your grief and you have shared mine. You have been empathetic and kind and those are such comforting qualities.

I thank those with whom I have shared laughter. We all need humor in our lives. I thank you for sharing your thoughts with me on serious subjects, even if we sometimes disagree. To be able to have an intelligent dialogue is such a wonderful gift.

I thank you for listening to the music and movies of my life and sharing yours with me. I thank you for not unfollowing me on days I posted too much in one day! I try not to do that too often!

I love sharing photos of my little place in the foothills of the Blue Ridge mountains and I thank you for sharing your corners of the world with me. There are many places I will probably never get to see in person.You have made my days brighter during a very dark time. I appreciate you all more than I can ever say.


And now a musical clip from one of my favorite Christmas movies “Scrooge” with Albert Finney in the role of Scrooge. He does not realize exactly why the town is filled with such gratitude for him!


19 thoughts on “A Thank You to My Followers”

    1. Don, what a very kind thing to say. It makes me happy to know you find something of value in what I write. Thank you for reading and commenting.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, my friend. I appreciate your kind words. It means a lot to me that you continue to read and comment.


  1. For one dreadful moment I thought you were signing off! I am glad that is not the case and that I will continue to enjoy the range of your writing and its heartfelt honesty.

    Liked by 1 person

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