
Flipping The Script On My Pandemic-Induced Anxiety


I know some have already read, but I did want to share my daughter’s blog. She talks about the tools she is using to curb anxiety and with the added stress over the last few days, this might be a beacon for someone in need. For those who have already read and commented, I thank you.

Two Moms And A Toddler

In my last blog, I outlined all the ways I have been battling with anxiety and anxiety-fueled depression during this pandemic. I’d like to flip the script now and talk about the ways I’ve been working towards relieving that anxiety and depression and turning this ship around.

First, I know that one of the largest hurdles I’m facing will be conquered once we drop our daughter off at school on Monday and see that she’s fine, happy, and having the time of her life. Once that is done, I feel like a lot of the uncertainty I’m carrying will finally be over.

That being said, here are some of the things I’ve been doing to try and help myself. These may or may not work for you but my hope is you might grab an idea or two if you find yourself suffering during this Pandemic.

Music: The Great…

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What the Hell Day Is It Anyway – June 1, 2020


I was not forced to use the new editor. This is my joy for the day!

I cannot believe it is June. We still have fears of the Corona virus, our citizens are dying at the hands of those in authority, and there is civil unrest the likes of which we have not seen for years. It is devastating and heartbreaking at every turn.

The virus continues. Our numbers are still on the rise. They have been hovering around 1000 new cases every day for almost a week. With the current state of civil unrest and protests, we will soon discover whether or not it was really safe to come out of quarantine. For me, I remain in my cocoon.

I have a culturally diverse family and network of friends. I love them all with a full heart.  I do not understand the prevalence of hate in this world — our differences could make us better, but fear has been woven into the very fabric of our nation. Civil unrest is the top blowing off after years and years of a systemic racial divide in this country and I will admit feeling helpless at times which I know serves no one. My heart breaks over and over. I do not have any eloquence in conveying the pain our nation is experiencing. Please do not try to engage me in debate about what is right and wrong. I will not participate in useless banter.

Yesterday our governor mobilized the National Guard. Today state flags are flying at half mast in order to remember those lost to the virus. What a dichotomy. I just spoke with a friend and we talked about how our outlook, our decisions, our hopes, our dreams and our challenges change on a daily basis. It can be overwhelming.

So that’s about all I can manage today. I hope readers are maintaining their physical and mental wellbeing. It is a challenge on the best of days.

(Still having trouble with the media functions. Anyone else?)


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