SoCS – Charmed, I’m Sure

Linda is changing it up today with her prompt for Stream of Consciousness Challenge:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “ch.” Find a word that starts with “ch” and use it as your prompt word. Bonus points if you start your post with that word. Enjoy!

Ch, ch, ch….hmm

Charm, charmed, charming — all lovely, happy, light-as-air words used to describe the delightful things in life. When I think of those words, lots of things come flooding back to me.

The first thing to come to mind was that I had written about charm bracelets in a previous ‘cele’ SoCS post you can find here. Charm bracelets are charming, don’t you think.

Then my mind jumps to Ethel Mertz (played by Vivian Vance), the character in the old “I Love Lucy” show. She often greeted new people with the phrase “Charmed, I’m sure” which I suppose means, ‘I do not know you but I’m sure you are quite charming’.

From “I Love Lucy”, I jump to Stephen Sondheim’s “Into the Woods” and the song “Agony” which I have also written about before – it was a day we wrote about duets for Song Lyric Sunday. The song “Agony” is based on the trials of being a Prince Charming. I love this quote by Cinderella’s Prince Charming:

”I was raised to be charming, not sincere.”

Then my mind heads over to visit Elvis Presley for the song “Good Luck Charm” in which he discounts the luck of a four leaf clover, a horseshoe, a lucky penny, a rabbit’s foot (weird what people once did) and…. something else I cannot remember because his ‘girl’ is his lucky charm. Elvis could be charming, too, don’t you think?

There are so many phrases using charm as their base. Charm the pants off, third time’s a charm, works like a charm, turn on the charm, and oh yes – charm school!

I vaguely remember hearing about charm school when I was a kid. I can remember trying to walk with a book balanced on my head. That must have been from some old movie I had seen, or perhaps a suggestion from my very proper grandmother, I’m not sure. YouTube is full of videos from people after the vintage market. Videos including ‘victory roll hairstyles’, vintage clothing and even vintage behavior. Then, of course, there is charm school.