
Why? – One Liner Wednesday

Photo of a gray cat, lying down with eyes half opened
Image by Adrian from Pixabay

When you retire, anything that requires setting an alarm clock and getting dressed while it is still dark outside should be outlawed.

Written for One Liner Wednesday courtesy of Linda Hill.

36 thoughts on “Why? – One Liner Wednesday”

  1. I agree but my internal clock does not…yet! I HAVE given myself permission to read a book for a while as the rest of the motor home inhabitants sleep though!

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  2. Thanks everyone for these great giggles. It’s great to know that I’m not alone. BTW, my family of origin used to accuse me of getting up early so I could loaf longer. Spot on! If ever wake up on another planet, I hope that those cute little silver suits are standard issue so I don’t have to figure out what to wear every day.

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