Blog, SoCS

SoCS – Time Flies

Day 364

Today is Stream of Consciousness Saturday brought to us again by Linda Hill. The prompt Linda has given us this week is:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “wrap/rap.” Use one, use both (for bonus points), use ’em any way you’d like. Enjoy!

I am about to wrap up a year of blogging every day. Tomorrow will be my 365th day. Perhaps I will write something profound tomorrow to celebrate this momentous occasion. If Iwere more talented, I would dazzle you with a rap I composed just to commemorate my accomplishment.

I hope you don’t get your hopes up for that, however. I have almost no musical talent. But I do feel accomplished. Perhaps I could don a wrap — emblazoned with my Gravatar — a cape of sorts. But maybe that might not be a good idea. Word of that kind of nonsense might have the police rapping at my door.

In any event, I will be here tomorrow to share a little about this past year. But for now, that’s a wrap.

Linda has all the scoop over at her place. Read the rules, check out the comments, then give it a go.

13 thoughts on “SoCS – Time Flies”

  1. You managed to get your challenge words in perfectly, Maggie.
    And don’t go thinking that your 365th day will be the end of it.
    You have to stay with us all now. 🙂
    Best wishes, Pete.

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    1. Pete, I will continue to blog. It may not be every day, but I will be here. The value far outweighs the effort it requires. You have been an inspiration to me in so many ways.

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