
The Daffodils Brought Me Back

Daffodils Growing Wild

When I looked back to see how long it had been since I wrote a blog, I was shocked to find my last entry was October of 2023. Four months have flown by.

I cannot say exactly why I quit writing, but I can tell you my heart and my mind have been pulled in a million different directions. I had three family members in the hospital with very serious situations and of course my own health issues to consider. Add to that the friends I have also going through their own medical and personal issues, blogging just became too much.

Last weekend I was driving and noticed all the daffodils were in bloom. I immediately thought of Mary Smith. She loved the spring, the daffodils and the baby lambs.

I plan to start blogging more frequently but not nearly everyday. I finally have my knee replacement surgery scheduled for early April so there is much to accomplish in the intervening time.

I have not read many blogs these last months so I have little idea what is going on in each of your lives. I would love to hear if you care to leave a comment. I promise to respond.

Like Mary, I love the spring. It is filled with promise and hope. A few azaleas are blooming, along with the camelias. If I use the binoculars I can see buds on the dogwood trees. The redbuds won’t be far behind.

I do hope you are all well and prospering in beautiful ways.


If I Were a Cat

Photo of sunbeams across the floor

If I were a cat I would be curled up in one of those sunbeams taking in the warmth of the sun. I love this time of year when the direction of the sun shifts and casts warmth into my world. By the calendar, spring is still 27 days away, but nature has her own sense of timing.

Yesterday I ran some errands. The first thing I noticed was the yellow blooms on my forsythia. I have a special relationship with forsythia and a memory of my grandmother. I think I have mentioned those memories six or seven times in my blog. I just love those cheerful yellow blooms.

The daffodils have been blooming for about a week now. Sometimes they are in curated in little garden spots and sometimes in wild solitary bunches clustered in the woods near the side of the road. I will always think of Mary Smith when the daffodils bloom. ❤️

My camellia bushes are all blooming and yesterday I saw a few tiny azalea buds coming to life. The dogwoods and redbud trees will follow shortly.

My husband said he saw the first mason bee leave the bee house this week so spring is definitely in the air. Of course, just this morning I read about a new wave of cold weather on the way. At this moment it looks to move north of us. For those of you in the path, hang in there!

Spring always makes me think of Mary Oliver. Her ability to use everyday words to craft the remarkable has always amazed me.

How I go to the wood

Ordinarily, I go to the woods alone, with not a single
friend, for they are all smilers and talkers and therefore

I don’t really want to be witnessed talking to the catbirds
or hugging the old black oak tree. I have my way of
praying, as you no doubt have yours.

Besides, when I am alone I can become invisible. I can sit
on the top of a dune as motionless as an uprise of weeds,
until the foxes run by unconcerned. I can hear the almost
unhearable sound of the roses singing.

If you have ever gone to the woods with me, I must love
you very much.

Mary Oliver


It is a Matter of Time – #JusJoJan 2023

Welcome to day twenty-two of Just Jot It January for 2023. Today’s word is seasonal.

Today I was inspired to write an acrostic poem.

Spring seems distant

Evasive and quiet

A veil of winter

Silently covers her as she lies in wait ready to

Orchestrate her annual rebirth

Nature has her own timeframe

Alone she wields her magic urging the

Lilacs to bloom again

Written as part of Linda Hill’s JusJoJan.

Prompt word today (seasonal) submitted by Kaye from Kaye Spencer.


One Liner Wednesday – More Spring

I wish you could be here to smell spring and see her with butterflies in her hair.

(Have I mentioned how much I love spring?)

One liner Wednesday is brought to us each week by the lovely Linda Hill. Please visit Linda’s blog to read the rules, read other one liners, and possibly join in the fun!


One Liner Wednesday – Wildflowers

“What a lonely place it would be to have a world without a wildflower!”
Roland R Kemler

We saw our first hummingbird today so I put the feeder out. Spring has officially hit her stride. The rose-breasted grosbeaks cannot be far behind. And look what is blooming in the woods!



One liner Wednesday is brought to us each week by the lovely Linda Hill. Please visit Linda’s blog to read the rules, read other one liners, and possibly join in the fun!