SoCS- Pass Me the Funny Papers

Linda says today she is giving us a ‘plain ol’ prompt’ but we know she always comes up with something unique to challenge our Saturday stream of consciousness. If you’re new to SoCS, why not join in. Check out Linda’s blog for more info .

Today’s prompt is as follows:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “page.” Use it as a noun or a verb. Have fun!

Does anyone get the newspaper anymore? When I was in high school, we got the Sunday paper, but that was it. The conversation went something like this:

“Who’s got the comics?”

“I gave them to mom. You know she’s gotta read Beetle Bailey with her coffee.”

”Are there any good sales?”

“As if you care. Let me have the Parade magazine when you’re done.”

“I take it dad has the sports page?”

“Yep. In the bathroom.”

“Check this out. Someone’s selling a sweet Firebird – 1970 almost new. I gotta show this to dad.”

“Yeah, right. Like dad is going to let you buy a car – a Firebird no less – after you drove his car home with a flat and ruined the rim.”

“You’re probably right. Let me see the Help Wanted page. I think I need a job.”


This was lovingly reminiscent of some wonderful Sunday mornings with my family in a little yellow house tucked away on a corner lot in rural America.