
Taking in Nature’s Gifts

img_9934Day 229

The weekend was odd. I thought I had recovered from my cold and sinus headache only to be a mess all day Saturday. I was in full-blown cold mode. I had Kleenex stuffed in every pocket I had. I was running errands and as the day progressed, I got worse. I finally called it a night early, took some NyQuil and went to bed. Sunday I woke up with no symptoms at all. Maybe it was an allergy attack but whatever it was it just disappeared.

This morning I slept in and am just relaxing a bit. I am so excited to have my children here and Saturday I hope to have my son and his children here as well. It is so important that the kids grow up knowing each other and forging a family bond. I am so glad my children feel the same way.

I thought it was time to go out and check out the garden. We have several tomatoes, a pepper, and some very tiny cucumbers coming on. I just hope they make it. We are expecting some very hot weather through the weekend. I understand it may be record-breaking temperatures.

I was hoping the weather would be cooler so our family from Florida would have a break from the heat they live with every day. At least where we live we have a lot of trees which helps keep things a little cooler. These are the days when my husband laments about our need to move higher into the mountains where it is cooler.

We only have a few flowers blooming now, but what is blooming is beautiful. The heat takes a toll on them very quickly.

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For now, I will water and try to nurse the plants through this heat wave. There is no prediction for rain in the short-term so the plants will need some extra TLC.

As I sip my last bit of coffee, I am watching the Downy Woodpeckers fly to the suet and bring the food back to the camellia bush and feed their young. The Cardinals will do this as well. They look like they are sharing tiny kisses. Such a sweet moment and one that begs you to stay and watch for just a minute longer.

17 thoughts on “Taking in Nature’s Gifts”

  1. So jealous that you have fruit on those plants in the garden. My wife’s plants aren’t in the ground yet. I’m glad you’re feeling better, and I don’t envy you the heat that’s coming.The blossoms are beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Dan. We will see how long my little fruits survive once the pests start to arrive. Hopefully your garden will be in the ground soon.

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  2. If you can imagine, Tim says the forsythia in Quebec is just starting to flower! We have quite a few plants in flower here in WNC, but it’s definitely dry and hotter than normal.

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    1. Wow, that is amazing, Lisa. I imagine you will have a wonderful time gardening in Quebec. I cannot wait to see your photos.


  3. glad the symptoms have disappeared and you feel better, this garden is amazing, I’m used since my parents love to plant their vegetables and we have a big garden as well
    Hope you will enjoy with your children and grandchildren
    have a great time 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. So happy you’re better. Looking forward to stories and pictures from your wonderful upcoming visit with our girls! Love you!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Ah, lovely walk through your garden. Your crops and flowers are doing so well. It’s fun to see how far along they are in comparison to ours. We’re 40 degrees this morning, so no heat here!
    Glad to read you’re feeling better – just in time to enjoy a family visit!! xx

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