

Day 14

There are days that seem perfect and there are days that seem horrible. In actuality, most days are simply peppered with moments — good or bad — that alter our moods.

Breathable Moments

Today has had some less than perfect moments. It is easy to let stress take residence in those moments but it is important to find a way out.

I know that sounds easy but can be a hard step for some people. It’s hard for me sometimes.

I try to look for breathable moments. Things that snap me back to a sense of calm and clarity.

GowensvilleIt might be a cloud formation, a flower blooming, or a child lost in play. Today it was the sky and an image I saw of space.

Both remind me of how small we are in this world. And if we are small then our stresses and problems must be relatively small as well.

But sometimes they seem huge.


It’s important to recenter. Look around and take in your surroundings. There is so much to observe and take in and appreciate. We are small and while our problems seem insurmountable, they can be small as well. Especially the moments in the day when someone says the wrong thing or treats you unkindly.

Let It Go

My mom used to tell me to “just let it roll off your back”. Sounds good on the surface but sometimes things hurt or sometimes they make you angry. That’s the human condition. We are not perfect and we should not expect perfection in others.

Sometimes we do not live up to our own expectations.

I learned a long time ago that anxiety and stress have a threshold. If you imagine a scale from one to ten, with ten being the worst, you realize that once you hit that peak things will move from a boil to a simmer and eventually, everything will be normal again. It’s learning to recognize when you hit ten and understanding that the worst has passed.

If you’ve had a hard day, try to be easy on yourself. Look around you. Find a peaceful moment.


Just Breathe.

“Life is the most elegant, beautiful, amazing, and magical thing that you will ever have. Why then do you feel anxious, stressed or hurried? Slow down. Enjoy the magnificence of life by touching a flower, listening to songs, singing with a bird, and dancing with dancing leaves.”
Debasish Mridha

10 thoughts on “Breathing”

  1. Sound advice for anyone. I’m sorry you had a rough day. But you write about it beautifully. I love you.


  2. I am sorry you had a difficult day. I know the feeling all too well. A breathing exercise I was taught has been invaluable to me. Take in a deep breath to a count of 4. Hold the breath for a count of 9. Exhale for a count of 6. I can’t tell you how it has dissolved a panic attack or stressful moment. We have all been there. What a beautiful post.
    Gentle hugs,


    1. Thank you, Lauren. The exercise really does work. The counting really slows down your breathing. I guess we have all experienced ‘those’ days. I hope yours are few and far between. 💕


  3. Thank you so much Maggie for this beautiful post, and for the gentle reminders, and thank you for making so many moments more breathable for me. I cherish you…

    Sending a gentle hug,



    1. Maitri, thank you. It is the undulating current of life, isn’t it? I try to treasure all my days, but some truly are more palatable than others. I cherish you as well. 💕


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