SoCS – The Home Edit


Rainbow colors
Image courtesy of Unsplash

Stream of Consciousness Saturday is brought to you every week by Linda Hill. Check out her blog for the rules and the contribution of other bloggers.

This week’s prompt:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “container.” Use the word “container” any way you’d like. Or think about a container of some kind and write about it. Enjoy!

This is not the subject I intended to write about today, but stuff happens. So I am shifting the proverbial gears and moving on down the highway. Maybe in a container truck.

Boredom took over a few nights ago and I started to watch a show called “The Home Edit” on Netflix the other night. It is a home organization show and I love those although I rarely follow their advice. I did discover that Marie Kondo’s method of folding shirts did not bring me joy, so I am back to folding them the fast way. But I digress.

The show is about two women from Nashville who organize people’s chaos – both of the stars and the more common (but probably still rich) people. First just let me say there could never be a job I could hate much worse than that one, well, dirty toilet cleaning maybe. But I decided to watch anyway.

There are four steps – something like organize, purge, contain and maintain or something like that. And somewhere in there there’s labeling, too. They have their own line of merchandise which is conveniently sold at The Container Store. The biggest takeaway I had was that the world is better organized in rainbow colors – especially children’s book.

This is stream of consciousness, so we are taking a sharp right turn. Remember “I Dream of Jeannie”? She lived in a bottle, aka a container. She was always into some sort of well intentioned mischief. I guess you could say she just couldn’t “ContainerSelf”! 😂😂😂 See what I did there?