
One Liner Wednesday – It’s One of Those Mornings


“You know you’re getting old when you stoop to tie your shoelaces and wonder what else you could do while you’re down there.”

George Burns


One liner Wednesday is brought to us each week by the lovely Linda Hill. Please visit Linda’s blog to read the rules, read other one liners, and possibly join in the fun!

19 thoughts on “One Liner Wednesday – It’s One of Those Mornings”

    1. I cannot remember a time when I could not tie laces. All my grandchildren (except the 4 year old) learned to tie laces. Hopefully with all the popular athletic shoes, they will all learn.

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  1. I sit on the bed to tie my shoes when possible, but there are times when I have picked trash off the floor at the same time. Getting older helps us learn how to make more efficent use of our energy.

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