
SoCS and JusJoJan – It Moves Me

Linda has given us an interesting prompt this morning:

Your prompt for #JusJoJan and Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “the first 3 words of the first full sentence.” Okay, follow me here. This is what I want you to do: 1. Grab the closest book to you when you sit down to write your post. 2. Open it to a random page. 3. Locate the first complete sentence on that page. 4. Use the first three words of that sentence to start your post, then take it from there–write whatever comes to mind. That’s it! Have fun!

The book closest to me was “The Illusion of Monday” written by Kyle Cease.

It moves me when I see miracles. What? You don’t see them? I do. Every day. I see the sun rise and light up the trees with a golden color that can hardly be reproduced anywhere else. Painters and photographers dream of that golden light. I see rainbows and think how miraculous they are. Watching a newborn baby first see this big noisy world they were born into I s also nothing short of miraculous.

It moves me when children laugh. Their laughter is pure and honest and infectious. Sheer joy seems to be trained out of us as we learn what it is like to be an adult. We need new training that teaches us what it is like to be a child.

It moves me to see the kindness of strangers. “The Helpers” as Fred Rogers referred to them. The people who have nothing to gain by helping others. They have a purity of spirit.

It moves me to read a good book. One that makes me forget I am reading a book. The type of book where I become one of the characters and purposely read the book slowly to delay the inevitable last page.

It moves me to share ideas and creative space with others. I almost said ‘like minded souls’ but those are the comfortable people. But it can be more moving to listen to the ideas of people who challenge us.

It moves me to think about all the blessings that have been afforded to me in my lifetime. Those thoughts are a nice place to conclude this post and dwell in the memories of all I have been given.

This post is inspired by Linda Hill and her weekly Stream of Consciousness invitation. And because it is January, this also part of Just Jot It January. Please take time to visit Linda’s blog and maybe buy one of her books if you are moved to do so.

18 thoughts on “SoCS and JusJoJan – It Moves Me”

  1. I loved this post! What moves me are all those things and when little children sing, either in school or church, I cry every time I see kids singing. Is that silly or am I too emotional? Anyway, loved your response to the prompt 😊🤗

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  2. A friend over this morning was just sharing a similar understanding. She thinks that miracles in relationships are just as amazing as water turning to wine.

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